how to create a blog on blogger step by step

 how to create a blog on blogger step by step

If you are having the interest to start the blog on the blogger platform, you need to follow this guide to start your journey of blogging on blogger. In this article, you will learn about the process of how to create a blog on blogger step by step. The process is very simple and easy to setup the blog on the blogger.

Here are the main steps to create the blog on the blogger:

  • Setting up the Blogger account
  • Choose a template and design
  • Create and organize the posts and pages

1.   Setting up a Blogger account

For setting up the blogger account, you must have the Google account. if you already have the Google account, by using that account you can create a account on blogger. If you don’t have the Google account then you can create a Google account for free by visiting the Google sign up page and follow the instructions.

Go to the Google Blogger website ( and then click on the sign-in button in the top right side of the website page.

Setting up a Blogger account
blogger home page

If you already have a Google account, then you enter your email address and strong password and then click sign-in button.  If you don’t have the google account, you need to create the google account. It is free to create.

Go to this page ( click on the Create an account option on the right side top then "Create your Google Account" page appears.

 On that page, you have to enter your personal details, such as your name, last name, username(email address), a strong password and then click "next" button.

Then "verify your phone number page" appears then you can select your country and enter your contact phone number and click on "next" button.

A code is received by your phone number from Google and enter the code in the “verify your phone number page” and click on "verify".

Enter the required details in the next appeared pages and click “I agree” button on the privacy policy page and then Google account is created and conformation is sent to your Newly created Gmail.

When you created the Google account then go to the Blogger home page and click on “sign In” button.

You have to enter the newly created Gmail and strong password and click on the "Sign-in".

Setting up a Blogger account
steps to create blog in blogger

On the "New Blog" page, enter a name for your blog and click on next button.


Setting up a Blogger account
steps to create blog in blogger

choose a domain name (your blog's URL) and click on next button.

Setting up a Blogger account
steps to create blog in blogger

In this page You have to confirm the name and click on finish button.

Setting up a Blogger account
steps to create blog in blogger

You should now be able to access your blog's dashboard and start creating and publishing content.

Setting up a Blogger account
steps to create blog in blogger

2.  Choose a template and design

Choosing the best template and a design is an important step for your blogger blog and create a visually good looking blog. The blogger has the provide the customizable templates, by using these templates you can create a professional looking blog.

Here is the step by step process of choosing a template and design for blogger blog:

Login to your Blogger account and go to the "Theme" section of your blog's dashboard. Scroll through the available templates and click on any template that you are interested to see a preview of how it will look on your blog.

Choosing a template and design for blogger
Choosing a template and design for blogger

You have to consider the layout, color, and different font options. You have to choose one that suits with your style and theme for your blog.

When you need to customize the blog then click on the “customize” button to be able to access the template design. Now, you can adjust the colors, fonts, layout of your blog.

When you are happy with the appearance of your blog, click "Apply to Blog" to save your changes.

when you are satisfied with your appearance of your blog then click on the "Apply to Blog" for saving the changes.

3.  Create and organize the pages and posts

Creating and organizing pages and posts is an important step in blogger blog. Pages are used for the static content that is not changing frequently, for examples are “About Us” page and “Contact Us” page.

Posts are used to maintain the dynamic content that is changes frequently, for example news articles or personal articles. You can manage your blog pages and posts using the tags and categories to make the reader can easily find what they are looking for in the blog.

Here it is the step by step process of creating and organizing the posts and pages on the blogger blog:

First login to your blogger account and then click on the “pages” or “posts” section of your blog’s dashboard.

Click on the "New Page" for creating new page or click on the "New Post" for creating the new blog post.


Creating and organizing pages and posts
Creating and organizing pages and posts

Then the editor page is open in that editor you have enter the title for your page or post and then you can write the content. you can use the formatting tools like bold,italic, underline and etc for style your content and you can also add the media like images, videos, and audio files by clicking on “insert images”  button, “insert videos”  button.

Creating and organizing pages and posts
Creating and organizing pages and posts

To manage your pages and posts, you can use categories and tags options. Categories are used to group the similar posts or pages. The tags are the specific keywords or specific phrases that are used to explain the content of your pages or posts. Click on the “labels” button for adding the categories or tags to your  pages or posts.

When you finished the writing content in page or post then click on the “publish” button to make it live on your blog. Before publishing you have to check if any errors are there or not then publish it.

After published the articles of your blog, the articles are not immediately shown on the Google search results. You have to wait for the some few days because the google crawler need to crawl the pages you published on your blog.

if you don't know about basics of blogging blogger then you need to checkout this article about "blogging basic steps to start | blogger starting guide" then you can understand the basic steps and creation of blog in blogger. 

happy blogging. 

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